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Attracting Birds Tree cavity hole nesting cavity natural bird shelter secondary cavity dweller where birds make nests heartwood rot woodpeckers

Attracting a particular Bird Species

There are many important aspects to consider when acquiring a birdhouse. Following these suggestions will ensure that the house you choose will be both functional and safe for the birds. Refer to the table below for recommended dimensions for attracting specific cavity dwellers. Each column subject is explained in detail below.

All values are in centimeters and can be changed to inches by hovering the mouse over the value.

Species Entrance Hole Floor Size Distance from Floor to Entrance Hole Hight Above Ground
Troglodytes spp.
Poecile spp.
Sitta spp.
Baeolophus spp.
Passer spp.
Sialia sialia
Hirundo spp.
Purple Martin
Progne spp.
Screech and Saw Whet Owl
Megascops & Aegolius
Wood Duck
Aix sponsa

Entrance Hole

The entrance hole should be large enough to admit the bird, but not so large as to admit unwanted species. If one wants to attract smaller songbirds, a 1½" diameter is a common size of entrance hole; however, it is an advantage to use a smaller size if you are planning to attract chickadees and wrens. Using a 118" entrance hole keeps other unfavourable species from using the entrance due to their larger body size. Red squirrels, (as seen in the picture to the right) are able to get into a 1½" hole, but not a 118" entrance hole.

Red Squirrel In Birdhouse Tree cavity hole nesting cavity natural bird shelter secondary cavity dweller where birds make nests heartwood rot woodpeckers Drainage holes moisture perch materials cedar clay plastic metal composite lumber wood pine spruce outgas non toxic paint colour white light dark squash preserving water based urethane polywhey exterior finish UV resistant maintenance clean cleaning out mounting house sparrow north south east west dummy territorial nests Wren Chickadee Nuthatch building the best birdhouse design how to build make hole size chart store in Toronto Canada sell to purchase etsy store ebay shop birdhouse designs materials mounting on pole opening size plans to build pictures paint roof yard art pest control
Red squirrels can be a nuisance in birdhouses when the interior volume and hole size is large enough for them.

Interior Dimensions

The interior volume should be large enough to accommodate the movement of adult birds as they bring food for their young. If the birdhouse is small and restricted it can wear away adult's feathers.

Interior dimensions too large for a particular bird species may cause it to spend a larger than normal amount of time finding extra nesting material. A larger interior volume will also entice unwanted guests such as red squirrels and chipmunks to chew at the entrance hole to make it large enough to fit inside.

Therefore, the interior volume should only be large enough to accomodate the wanted bird species. If the volume can be kept under 900 cm2 for smaller songbird species, red squirels and chipmunks won't be interested in trying to make your birdhouse into their shelter.

Depth and Sizing

The box should be deep enough so that there are several inches of space between the bottom plate and the entrance hole, making it more difficult for any predator to reach in and harm the young. The entrance hole shouldn't be too high as this can prevent young birds from leaving the home when they are mature. If this is the case, mesh or grooves should be created on this interior surface to allow the birds to climb out.

Roof Overhang

Peterson Bluebird Box has a large overhang Tree cavity hole nesting cavity natural bird shelter secondary cavity dweller where birds make nests heartwood rot woodpeckers  Drainage holes moisture perch materials cedar clay plastic metal composite lumber wood pine spruce outgas non toxic paint colour white light dark squash preserving water based urethane polywhey exterior finish UV resistant maintenance clean cleaning out mounting house sparrow north south east west dummy territorial nests Wren Chickadee Nuthatch building the best birdhouse design how to build make hole size chart store in Toronto Canada sell to purchase etsy store ebay shop birdhouse designs materials mounting on pole opening size plans to build pictures paint roof yard art pest control The roof should overhang the front of the birdhouse to limit the amount of rain that makes its way into the entrance hole. Negative effects from wind and sun can also be decreased with a proper roof overhang. Tin and asphalt shingle roofs should be avoided as they heat up greatly in the summer sun. One of the distinguishing features of the Petterson Eastern Bluebird birdhouse is its large roof overhang (as seen to the left).

Height Above Ground

Specific species of birds favour nesting in tree cavities at different heights although they will nest outside the favoured range depending on what is available in the area.

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Function over Aesthetics - Selecting a birdhouse

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